General news

Here, we keep you informed about all the exciting developments, upcoming events, success stories, and important updates regarding our centre and the Sowerby Bridge community. From general community news to announcements of new classes and activities, this is your go-to source for all that's happening. Join us in celebrating our community's achievements and staying connected!

Tai Chi flyer trial sessions
Tai Chi free trial sessions

Tai Chi

Tai Chi free trial sessions coming to Foundry Street. 45 minute sessions in order for you to try. Come down and have a go at one or both of the sessions and see what you think

Fially opening up the Centre on 11th November 2023
Finally getting the keys on 10th November 2023. From left, George Pickles, Andrew Broadbent and Sheila Eastwood

One Year Anniversary

12 months since we received the keys from the Council and opened up the Centre again after nearly 4 years being closed.
New Chesterfields
General view of Eric Taylor loungee

New settees for the Eric Taylor lounge

After decorating the Eric Taylor lounge the two existing orange leather settees just did not fit, plus they were starting to fall apart.  We managed to find a matching pair of Chesterfields that have come out of a 5 star hotel in London following a refit and are just the right colour.  The old, orange settees have found a new home with one of our user group leaders.